Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Log #13 (Finally some sleep)

What a difference in my sleep experience last night. Although I usually dream at night my sleep is interrupted a lot so I don't get much out of my dreams, but last night I really slept for a change and had dreams that were long enough to make sense.

The name of the medication the doctor prescribed yesterday is Klonopin and I'm taking 1mg tablets. It didn't do much for my general achy feeling, but it helped with anxiety and it put me right to sleep. The drawback was that I fell asleep a few times times today when I really shouldn't have. This medication doesn't replace any of my other medications so it's just one more I have to take everyday. Now we'll see if the Pain Management Doctor changes things up even more.

For more information on Klonopin...What is Klonopin

There was a song in the eighties by Huey Lewis called, "I want a new drug." It's a great song and it kind of applies to my situation. It would be nice to have a drug that would do it all and make me feel better. Instead, I find myself saying, "I don't want a new drug." or "Not another one!"

So here is some info on Fibromyalgia from yahoo health:
By Shannon Erstad, MBA/MPH

Fibromyalgia is widespread pain in the muscles and soft tissues above and below the waist and on both sides of the body. Fibromyalgia is a syndrome—a set of symptoms that happen together but do not have a known cause. In this syndrome, the nervous system (nerves, spinal cord, and brain) is not able to control what it feels, so ordinary feelings from your muscles, joints, and soft tissues are experienced as pain. People with fibromyalgia feel pain and/or tenderness even when there is no injury or inflammation.

Fibromyalgia does not harm your muscles, joints, or organs, and there are many things you can do to control it. When it is not controlled, you may not have any energy, or you may feel depressed or have trouble sleeping. These and other symptoms can be bad enough to cause problems with your work and home life. With treatment, most people with fibromyalgia are able to continue working and participating in daily activities. Some people adjust their work duties and lifestyle if their symptoms are severe.

For more information on fibromyalgia... What is Fibromyalgia

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