My doctor appointment with my Primary Care Doctor is tomorrow instead of today so nothing to report there.

One of the many side effects of pain medication is constipation. Many doctors will suggest that you take laxatives to help, but it doesn't help much. Eating a lot of fiber can make things a little better, but it doesn't alleviate the problem. There are supplements like Activa yogurt that help as well, but the fact remains that the constipation is a real problem associated with most pain medications.
I've had stomach problems since I was a child and stomach pain has been the most consistent problem I've had in life. I have not had appendicitis, but I've had Gall Stones and had my Gall Bladder removed.
Anyway, my point being, I don't have the best track record when it comes to my stomach or digestive system. Add to that, my nerve problems are affecting everything south of the belly button. So while the pain medication relieves my back and nerve pain somewhat, it adds stress to an already stressed system.
Taking oral laxatives makes my problem worse because it works from the top down. It is like turning the hose on full blast while keeping it kinked--nothing gets out and pressure builds up. Prune juice and grape juice have the same affect. The other kind of laxative is a rectal suppository. That sometimes works, but most of the time can't work it's way in deep enough to do much good.

It is a very uncomfortable process involving the use of water up the rectum to flush things out. Totally sick, but it works. The problem is that most times the enema has to be done several times before full relief is felt. Most of the time it initially feels worse than the constipation mainly because you're adding pressure to the pressure that's already there. Sometimes the water goes in, but doesn't want to come out and that is the worst feeling.
When I use this process to get relief it will generally take me more than an hour with so many trips to the bathroom that you wouldn't want to believe. I have had times when things were so backed up that it took three hours to feel relief. Today was one of those. Talk about wasting the day!! So much time lost just trying to go to the bathroom.

From my experience and reading what other people like me have written, it seems like the original problem can set off a chain reaction. A lot of the time if you go into the doctor and get the cause of pain diagnosed early you'll be able to head off the burning fuse. It's when you have nagging pain and you keep hoping it gets better on it's own that you run into problems. Listen to your body! The pain is there for a reason and it's there for your protection. You ignore it and it yells louder until it eventually forgets what it's like to be quite.
I take Embeda. It is a extended release morphine pill. I am on 60mg's 2x's a day. I also have 15mg straight morphine pills for breakthrough pain. With this, Lyrica at 450mg's a day. I stay pretty constipated also. I have not gotten to the point of where you are. But i do know, once i have it moving, i will be all day on the toilet also. I do not take laxitives. I have enough pills as it is too.
ReplyDeleteIt is very irritating to always have the feeling of having to go. Sitting there and doing a full word find puzzle while waiting and having no relief.
Thank you so much for having this blog. I had just found this today and trying to catch up from when you first started, rather from the last post.