Saturday, April 10, 2010

Log #58 (Bank of Criminals)

This hasn't been a very good week for me thus far. One more day to go.

Last night I had to deal with nausea, groin pain, back pain, stomach cramps, kidney stone like pain, and fatigue all over my body. So once again I didn't sleep well. One of the reasons why I think everything is flaring up RIGHT NOW is because of stress.  Stress that Bank of America is putting me through.  Stress because they won't give a straight answer.  STRESS because dealing with them is like dealing with criminals because--Ta Dah--THEY ARE CRIMINALS!!!

Nearly two years ago when I had to leave work and go on disability, my income dropped a lot. This was all happening around the same time as the mortgage crisis that the rest of the country is going through so going to the bank to ask them for a modification didn't seem too far fetched.

Our original loan for our house--purchased in 2006--was through Country Wide and we bought right before the bottom fell out. Country Wide went under and Bank of America (Bank of Criminals) took over our loan. Our property value is half of what it was when we moved in. According to B of A they told the Government that they would restructure loans to help people out since they were receiving bail out money from our tax dollars. The plan that the Government says that if your property value is over 20% less than your loan value, you are behind on your mortgage, but you have a stable income, the banks are supposed to help the borrowers out.

Living in California--one of the hardest hit states and more disabled than I am--we know a lot of people that have lost their homes. NOT ONE had any help from the banks... ANY BANK. Each person we talked to said the banks made promises, had them send in paper work to show they had stable income, but in the end the banks still foreclosed or forced them into a short sale.

Last fall we got to the point where we couldn't keep up with our payments at the current amount so in October B of A asked us to send in a hardship letter explaining why our income had changed plus we had to send them proof. Then our loan went into review--or so we were told. In December they informed us that our loan was never in review because we didn't send our paper work in to them on time. Between the time we send in the paper work and December they kept telling us our loan was in review even though it wasn't. We were, "Misinformed," by their customer service people.

They gave us "another chance" in December to turn in our paper work, which we did well on time. In January we received a phone call from them saying we were going to get a modification and that we should expect the paper work to arrive via Fed-Ex within a couple of days. When it didn't show up I called them and they said they were way behind and that they would send the paperwork by March.

March comes and NOTHING. Someone from B of A calls and asks if our financial situation changed and I told them it hadn't. A few days later I get a call from the Home Retention Department asking if we are still living in the home. The girl then says that the case is being worked on and we would be getting something soon. NOPE!

I called and asked where the papers were two weeks ago and the guy on the phone says that we should have received them by now so he says he's putting in a request to have the papers sent out again. He says to be expecting it in a few days by Fed-Ex and if we don't get it we should call back in. DIDN'T GET IT!

Then I get a letter from them this last week asking me to send in a Hardship letter and financials again. WHY? I call a lawyer about it and he says they are screwing with us. The letter they sent has a contact name and phone number on it so I call to ask why we should send this stuff in AGAIN. Guess what... The number I call gets me to their regular customer service and when I ask for the case worker they say she doesn't exist. Then the guy tells me our case IS NOT under review because my financials had changed. I asked how they came up with that information when I told them a few weeks before that my situation had not changed at all. The guy says he doesn't know anything except what was noted on our account in his computer.

By this time every word out of my mouth was a swear word. This is Bank of America I'm working with and you would think they were Joe's Auto body around the corner screwing my over on my repair bill. I basically told them to go screw themselves at this point. We will not--on the advice of the lawyer--pay them any more "good faith" payments.

A day later a girls calls me again from the "Home Retention Department" and asks us to fax in our financials because they need to update their information for the modification process. I told her that the other guy said I didn't qualify that I needed to pay the full amount we were behind. She says, "I don't know why he would say that because your case is under review?" DUH!!! These people all work for the same company??? Then I ask, "You are now saying we aren't getting a modification, but we're under review? Why did we get phone calls to be expecting loan paper work from Fed-Ex?" OF COURSE, she has no idea what I'm talking about.

All of this crap from them has put me in a state of high anxiety and anger. Today we faxed in our financials with a hardship letter (She said we should send that in too) AGAIN. From now on we will not send them a single cent. There is no longer any "good faith" payments because that good faith doesn't go both ways. I don't want to stress anymore about this. I am no longer going to have hope that they will do anything they say. THEY LIED TO THE GOVERNMENT then why should I think they're telling me the truth? They can take this home and lose tons of money. It's kind of Ironic that the lady we bought the house from is in jail for fraud. She got all of that money from the sale of this house and who knows where she stashed it. We'll leave the bank high and dry so in a way the bank will have been screwed twice. HA HA HA

Rent around here is pretty cheep right now. We can rent a way bigger place for far less money. Save the difference until we have enough to move out of this run down and bankrupt state and move somewhere else. Good luck making any money off of this place for a long time to come!!!!

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!! If you have similar experiences then please write them here. It may help someone else when you write your point of view. ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

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