Monday, May 17, 2010

Log #95 (Full Brunt)

From the moment I woke up this morning until now, my sciatica has been exploding up and down mt legs.  The kind of pain that makes me want to scream, but there is nothing I can do about it right now.  No matter what position I get myself into, it still hurts too much.  After the kids get in bed I'll use the MJ for the pain. 

For me to have any chance for sleep, I have to lay the massage pad on the couch and get whatever sleep I can with the heat and vibration going all night.  To help with the withdrawals I have some kind of blood pressure patch on my arm, which lowers my blood pressure and does something else as well to help.  I have to take Lyrica (again) and Clonipin.  The Lyrica is supposed to help with the nerve pains and the Clonipin to keep me from stressing out when the pain gets too bad.

I've been using the medical MJ for the last few days for my back pain and it has worked really well.  I bought some of the other type that doesn't make me so tired and I can use that during the day.  The problem is using it at the right times.  There are a lot of things I can't do once I use it; driving being one of those.  Tonight my wife had to work and I had to drive the boys to a little league game so there was no way I could use MJ all day therefore the pain is driving me nuts.

Good night!

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

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