Saturday, February 13, 2010

Daily Log #2 (Depression from CP)

I received a few different letters from State Fund Workman's Compensation Insurance and I can tell you, with 100% certainty, that there is nothing insuring about it. The Workman's Comp system is organized and run by criminals and the only people that suck benefits from them are other criminals.

From the moment I faced the fact that I may never work again I started a downward spiral into depression until it got so bad that my church leadership had to intervene and get me in to see a therapist. My Lawyer then sent me to a Psychiatrist approved by both him AND State Fund. As is usual, when a professional says their claimant has a serious problem, State Fund denies all services. Even though the professional reports that my depression is directly related to my injuries, the insurance company says it's not.

I won't go into all the details of my depression, but I will say this... There have been times when I was ready to give up everything and I knew exactly how I would do it. When it became all too apparent that I was sinking fast, Anya made the phone call to get me some help.

Don't ever think for one minute that if you get injured on the job you'll be protected and that you'll have some income or medical help until you can get back on your feet. I have personally had doctors tell me to my face that I can't work and then they turn around and write in their report that I can go back to work. Any doctor approved by Workman's comp, makes his/her income from Workman's comp and that doctor needs to feed his family too so there is no way he'll write anything that will cut off his income.

The second you get a serious injury at work you become a burden to society because you're no longer contributing to the workforce and the U.S. economy. When you become disabled you become a third rate citizen--lower than illegal aliens. Workman's comp will leave you hanging so you turn to Social Security Disability and you learn that they are no better. Every letter from those !@#$%"^ is negative and the only way to fight them is to get a lawyer who doesn't care anymore about you than the others. All he sees is an opportunity to pad his income.

Depression???? Oh yeah, I'm loaded with it!!!! I can't do anything that I used to do and that includes sitting up, walking, standing, and other basic things. No one listens to anything you have to say. Everyone lies to you about how they're going to help you. With all that I'm supposed to smile, go back to work, and be a good worker bee until I drop dead. That is why depression plagues people with chronic pain. I am lucky that I have a very compassionate wife who mourns with every ache that I have. My children do their best to be supportive. Some people who have chronic pain have families that treat them like they are crazy just like the doctors and lawyers do.

My silver lining is that I love to write and my way of fighting those !@#$%"^ is to blog what I have on my mind. This may be the only thing that will help me feel sane. Believe me, I had A LOT on my mind and it gets hard to stop writing each day, but I don't want you overwhelm you with too much to read in one sitting.

Now I'm going to do my best to lay in bed as comfortably as I can and watch the Olympics...

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