Monday, April 26, 2010

Log #74 (Good Night's Sleep)

The strain of medical MJ I'm using causes me to get very tired so if my pain gets bad during the day, and I use some, then a little while later it's hard to stay awake for the next three or four hours.

As you can guess, this is a good thing if I use the MJ just before bed, which is what I did last night. I slept very well. Probably the best night's sleep I've had in months! The effects last for about 6 to 8 hours depending on how much I inhale and last night that meant I slept for about 6 hours before I woke up for the first time. Awesome!

Once it wares off, the pain comes back pretty quick. Bummer! Especially, now that I'm going through withdrawals from the narcotics I've been using for so long.

I have to take the good with the bad until I get used to all of this. I can honestly say that I would give this up in a heart beat if there was something better to use for no other reason than I hate the high feeling I get. I feel like I'm walking through water.

There is another strain of medical MJ that doesn't make most people tired and I've heard that a lot of medical MJ users use both strains so that during the day they can do what they need to and at night they can sleep.

In any case, I have a lot less pain. I still feel pain and some times it's worse than others, but over all, I feel better.

That's it for tonight.

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!! If you have similar experiences then please write them here. It may help someone else when you write your point of view. ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

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