Thursday, July 22, 2010

Log #141 (Smell the Roses)

Chronic Pain can be very overwhelming and it's far too easy to get wrapped up in misery.  I think that makes it doubly important to make an effort to appreciate the world around us and get away from the isolation that pain brings.

It is totally understandable that a person with a ton of pain will do anything to avoid aggravating the pain more than what it is.  Sometimes that means staying in bed all day.  This leads to being closed off from the world and the only thing to look forward to is relief from the misery.

Even when I was at my worst and the pain meds were ruling my life, I still made it a point to get out and do things with my family even if I felt worse by doing it.

So what I want to say is that it's vital to remain a part of the world and appreciate everything it has to offer.  "Smelling the roses" will bring joy and laughter to your life and in the process you'll feel better about your situation and cope with the pain more efficiently.

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!


  1. I just can't help to wonder if your doctors are missing something...

    As far as the depression goes, I hope that heavy feeling gets lightened. To carry that is such a burden. I hope you can fight it. Maybe you can think of that heavy feeling as hunger pain. Hunger to accomplish something that will bring you satisfaction or joy. Things like doing something unexpected for your wife or family, immerse yourself in art, or sew badges on your kids scout uniform. Making cookies, (even if they are slice and bakes), reading a book to the kids, genealogy on the computer, passing off cub scout projects with your kids, photography and create a "family blog" keeping track of the good times to look back on. You can also put together a photo book (there new) at Costco online of your family. You can include in the book poems you have written along with pictures of your family. You can sit and watch the kids bowl, swim and play at the park while you take pictures. There is so much to occupy your mind and time. But I know the key is being able to move and have a manageable pain level.

    I hope you feel better so you can do things that bring you satisfaction and joy. This is my prayer for you tonight. All my love to you and your wonderful family! May the Lord bless you! Linda

  2. I totally agree, Linda, and thanks for your comments. A lot of the things you mentioned I do already to help keep my spirits up.

    You did a good job of expanding what I was trying to say. What I wrote was intended more for other people with Chronic Pain than for myself. My experience has taught me a lot of things and I felt I would share that insight with others. My level of depression is a lot less than it used to be because I do these things.

    I'm hoping these ideas will help other people get out of a rut--should they get into one.

    When you stop to think about it, these ideas usually help to bring on a good mood whenever you do them. Generally speeking, it doesn't matter what you are feeling depressed about or why (unless it's clinical), any time you do something that helps another person it ends up bringing joy into your life.


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