Last Friday I called the City of Simi Valley to ask/demand that something be done about Handicap access at the little league ball parks. I was directed to some one's voicemail so I left a message stating that something needed to be done and soon or I would get a lawyer and sue the city.
The parking there is horrible to begin with and sometimes you have to park way down the street and hike it to the ball field with all your gear. One of the fields sits on top of a small hill and to get to the bleacher area you have to walk up a rise that is covered in grass. There is cement surrounding the bleachers, which is nice, but to get there a person in a wheel chair would have serious problems.

This afternoon someone from the Parks and Recreation Division called and asked a bunch of questions and when he was done he said they would get started on making changes. Of course that means they have to get funds appropriated, assign the project to a planner, get funds appropriated, get a civil engineer involved, get funds appropriated, do an environmental study, get funds appropriated, get the work crews assembled, get funds appropriated, send the crews out to the site, conduct and investigation into misappropriation of funds, put the project planner in jail, then scrap the project until I get a lawyer and sue them in court.
I'm sure on the city level it won't be THAT bad, but the way things are these days and the rough economy I'm sure it won't happen over night. I do believe that it's not that difficult to get some blue paint and mark some handicap parking spots with some signs to go along with it so if I don't see any progress in a couple of weeks then I'll contact our lawyer and ask him to send them a threatening letter.
PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!! If you have similar experiences then please write them here. It may help someone else when you write your point of view. ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!
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