Friday, April 23, 2010

Log #71 (Wow! Complicated)

I actually feel pretty horrible right now so I won't write very much. I've been sitting on hard chairs a lot today and sitting up most of the day in general so I'm in enough pain that even a handful pills wouldn't do squat.

One session of sitting on hard chairs was at the doctor's office where I went to get my medical marijuana card. It wasn't too difficult to get. The doctor looked over the medical records and my prescriptions and I was all set with my card, but I have no idea what to do next. Everyone in the office acted as if my wife and I should know all of the industry terminology... As if it were a language we'd been taught since birth.

After talking to the doctor's assistant, my wife and I came away confused and amazed at the same time. The medical marijuana industry is actually very complicated. There are all these different strains of marijuana and each one helps with different medical conditions. There are a billion different ways to get the THC from the marijuana into your system. And if you grow your own there is a whole science to that as well.

Tomorrow my wife and I will drive to one of the places where they legally sell the medical marijuana and I'll have to dive into that ocean, head first, and try to tread water long enough to find my way to the shore.

Good night everyone!

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!! If you have similar experiences then please write them here. It may help someone else when you write your point of view. ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

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