Monday, April 19, 2010

Log #67 (I'm So Sleepy!)

Remember those times when you stayed up too late with your friends talking until the sun came up?  Or maybe not quite that late, but still very late.   Remember how tired you felt when you finally decided it was time to get some sleep; how weighed down your body felt.

Now contrast that with how energized you felt after having a solid night of sleep; how you felt like you could run a marathon and not be tired.

Now combine the two where you get eight hours of sleep (all be it interuppted), but when you get up you still feel like you haven't slept at all.

Of all the many things I'm going through, this is

 one of them.  Now you may say, "Well, if he were more active he wouldn't feel that way."  I'll admit that when you are in good shape and your body is healthy, you can get less sleep than you should and still feel energized, but I'm even more tired after being active.  No matter what I do, I feel tired.  Some of that is attributed to the medication, but medication wears off and my tiredness doesn't.
There are times when I just can't stay awake another minute and so I take a nap.  Within minutes I'm in a deep and heavy sleep.  An hour or two later when I wake up, I'm still so tired it feels like I'm in a stuper and looking at the world through a long dark tube.  I should feel refreshed in some way, but I don't.  This too, I've had a problem with for quite some time, but there has always been a long while between episodes.  Now it's becoming more of a problem and I think the medications I take for the pain plus the Lyrica are turning a small problem into a bigger one.

Here is a little write up about this aspect of fibromyalgia:


It’s common for people with fibromyalgia to feel extremely tired.  You may have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. There’s a lot of cross-over between the two conditions and many people have both.1

You may feel very tired after doing an activity, for example, chores or sports. Or you may suddenly feel tired for no reason at all. People with fibromyalgia often say they feel very tired when they wake up, as if they’d had no benefit from their sleep. Unrefreshing sleep is common for people with fibromyalgia.

Feeling very tired can be extremely frustrating. People with fibromyalgia say they find it hard to plan their day, because they don’t know if they’ll have the energy to carry out their plans. Or they have to choose between activities, because they know they won’t have the energy to do more than one.2 

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!


  1. Tiredness is a problem i have also. Like tonight, i just can not sleep. I have taken my breakthrough pills already more then once, and not a sign of relief. So I am up playing on the computer watching TV cause we have thunderstorms coming into the area later today.

    I am tired of feeling tired all the time. Even if i can get a full night sleep (rarely happens usually about 4 hours) i am still tired. I believe also that because of injuries, trauma to the body, i have developed FMS.It is not fun with what we go through.

    I completely appreciate your blog, and will be an advid reader, and will make comments when it is on something i can. I am single, 40 no children, so a lot of things you talk about at times can not apply to me. But recently i had my brother, sister in law and their two beautiful girls move in. Mainly cause i really needed the help around the house. It is too much for me to even take care of myself without help.

    With my nieces being here, i am so excited, and so pissed off at the same time. I can not play with them like i would love to. I took them to the park once, it was a mistake. NOT cause they were bad, but cause i just hurt so bad when i got home and for the next couple of days. It HURTS to know i can not do that, and then i thank god for not providing me with children.

    Life is hard enough now with injuries and sorry to jump around. I do plan on going to college and get an associates degree in Graphic Design. I hope that i can handle an office job. The long term sitting will be a problem. But also knowing how much i have really began to hurt since i started PT only 3 times a week and only about an hour a day. Makes me wonder what it will do working 5 days or more a week, and 8 or more hours a day. BUT I AM GOING TO TRY>>>>!!!!

  2. Thanks Charles for your comments here and for the chance we've had to chat on Facebook. You are so right about, "going to try," because a person with chronic pain MUST have a goal to work toward. Having a goal makes us form a mental picture of where we want to be and that in itself relieves some of the pain and stress because we're not focused on negative things.

    Thanks again and keep pushing forward. If for some reason the pain does not end, we still have so much to live for.


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