Monday, May 24, 2010

Log #101 (Your Support)

Being a blog about Chronic Pain, in whatever form, I have to make sure that I don't stray too far from the topic at hand.  That means that I have to limit some of the things I'd like to say in favor of things I should say.

Tonight I'll do a little of both...

First off, I want to let everyone know how much I appreciate your prayers and concern.  It means a lot more to me than most of you will know.  I honestly believe that your prayers on my behalf have helped me through so much of this already.  I know that what I write makes some people feel really sad and concerned about me, but I want to assure you that no matter what I may face I will always find a way through it.  Yes, I get depressed sometimes, but given my circumstances I think I'm entitled.  However, please don't think that my life is horrible because of what I write here.  It is just the nature of my topic that makes it sound really bad.

Secondly, what I write here is by no means a judgement of anyone else and how they deal with their pain.  I will never look down upon someone for how they manage their pain.  I have made a personal choice about pain medications.  That choice doesn't apply to everyone.  I am still learning about myself and my limitations and I expect that to be a life long process.  For those who choose to manage their pain with medications, I will still say that you shouldn't let anyone tell you to do otherwise.  It is your pain and you know it better than anyone else, and while your family and friends are concerned about you, it is still up to you to decide what will bring you the best quality of life.

Lastly, I have to point out that no matter what ailment you have, I hope you will take the time to study about the things you put in your body.  In this last year, there have been some celebrities that have passed away because of prescription drugs mixed with over-the-counter drugs.  We should all learn from their mistakes.  Just because a doctor gives you something to take everyday doesn't mean it will mix well with everything else you might be taking at any given time.  Just be careful.

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

1 comment:

  1. I know you write which is wonderful... but maybe you should try painting, drawing, sculpting, or photography. Sometimes channeling your feelings on canvas or in art can bring you great satisfaction and comfort you. Though it won't take away the pain, it can release a positive expression amidst all the focus of pain that can be liberating. It can channel your energies into something constructive that might bring you joy. Painting or drawing nature, or a storm, or a grove of trees... The energy you put into your art compete with the energy exerted on pain. If not art, I hope you can find something that can compete with that focus on pain, even if it is just a hour a day to give yourself even a moments break. You deserve it! Thinking about you and your wonderful family, wishing you happiness and health.


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