Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Log #103 (Golden Nuggets)

I received a couple of comments, golden nuggets if you will, on my blog this last week that I'd like to talk about tonight.  I would also like to say thank you for those comments in the process.

One of the comments was made by Anna, who is one of this blog's followers.  She suffers from chronic pain associated with her back as well and she has a blog of her own, which is similar to mine except it's much brighter.  I try to help people see how difficult it is to have chronic pain while she offers remedies.
Here is a link to her blog:

I like her comments because she is a very positive person and her blog reflects that.  She likes to suggest ways of managing pain (without medications) that are very helpful and it is a good place to find common sense information for dealing with chronic pain.

Another comment was made by Linda who suggested that using creative outlets helps to keep your mind off of your pain.  I agree with that statement 100% and I'm glad she brought it up. 

For me, this blog has been a creative outlet that has helped me deal with my pain as well as my depression.  Most of the time, the only outlet I had to get away from my problems was to write something here.  Writing has always been therapeutic for me and it's something I love to do.  In fact, I'm also in the process of writing a novel that I hope to have finished by the end of the year.  I like to do drawings when I can too.

I kind of got away from working on those projects in the months just before and after my surgery.  The medications were slowing me down so much that creatively I was having a difficult time concentrating them, but now that I've stopped taking the pain medications I've started getting back to those things.

Anything positive you can do that will give you an escape from pain is a good thing.  I honestly believe that when you focus on your pain it always gets worse.  When I was going through the withdrawals I found it helpful to listen to music (sometimes all night long) or watch a funny movie.  Laughter does a lot to relieve pain.

Thanks again for sharing your golden nuggets of insight and support!!!

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Pagar:) You are a true survivor, and a real inspiration!


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