Sunday, June 13, 2010

Log #113 (Self-Preservation)

I am changing my weekend writing schedule around my wife's working hours so that I can spend more free time with her.  This means I'll be taking Friday and Saturday nights off from writing instead of Saturday and Sunday nights.

Everything caught up with me this week when it comes to my back and groin pain.  My foot is still flopping slightly and my sciatica has been terrible.  I feel like the Greek god, Zeus, has been casting his lightning bolts down through my legs in one painful wave after another.  I kept pushing myself to do my exercise in spite of it all and I've just been doing too much.  In other words, I haven't given myself any rest and I'm paying the price for it.

I had to take the day off today because I don't think I could get by this next week.  This included using Medical MJ to get relief.  It works so much faster and better than the pain pills and I'm actually able to sleep in my own bed.  Most of the time I have to spend most of the night sleeping on the couch in order to get enough pressure off of my back.  My bed is awesome, but sometimes even that puts me in more pain and I hate to think how much worse my sleep would be if I had a regular bed.  With the medical MJ, I can sleep in my bed most of the time; I just don't use it that much.

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

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