Monday, June 28, 2010

Log #124 (Down Day)

I'm not sure what exactly I did today, but I'm in a lot of pain.  I guess you can say this is a bad pain day.

Right after I finished swimming at the gym, my groin started to hurt really bad.  When we got home I didn't do too much except make a doggy door in the sliding screen door to the back yard.  This wasn't much of a project, but it's the only thing I can think of that made things worse.  My groin was killing me all through, but I've been wanting to make this doggy door for quite some time--it needed to be done actually.

Anyway, afterward, I laid down for a while in bed and as I did so my back started hurting worse as well.  Kind of like slowly turning up the volume on a radio; my back increased in pain.  It was bad enough that I actually took a Norco and so far it hasn't done much.  I have to drive my boys to and from swimming lessons this evening, which means that I have to wait until after I pick them up before I can seriously do something to ease the pain.

It's times like this where the clock seems to be moving backward and it feels like I'm waiting a million years to get relief.

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!

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