Monday, July 5, 2010

Log #128 (4th of July Weekend)

I always love the 4th of July and not just because of the fireworks.  For me, it is a time to reflect on the sacrifices that have been made on my behalf and for my freedom.  My grandfather was also in the Marine Corps and he died in Okinawa when my mother was a year old.  It amazes me how men such as him gave life and limb to protect our way of life and it amazes me even more how much has been forgotten by the younger generations.  This is not a blog about such things so I will turn to the business at hand.

Part of the problem of chronic pain is that it becomes nearly impossible to lead a "normal" life.  We wanted to do something with the time we had available this weekend so we took the boys to visit a local historical site.  I knew it was going to be a challenge going in because it would require me to do some walking for the tour.  I didn't count on just how difficult it would be.  Needless to say, I didn't make it all the way through and I had to return to the car.  I was in tons of pain and it took everything I had to keep my sanity until we got home so I could do something about it.
Yesterday, the 4th, I compounded my problems by taking my boys to see the fireworks while my wife was at work.  We had to get to the park around 3:00pm in order to get a good spot plus we set up a canopy tent to provide some shade.  Even though I wouldn't change a thing, it was still too much for me.  By the time we got home, I could barely move.  Any little movement was/is a killer. 

It is almost like stepping back into those first few months after surgery.  Getting out of bed is horrible; walking to the bathroom is horrible; doing nearly anything is horrible.  It is spending time with my family that makes it all worth it.

Another reason to find joy in my family is that my second oldest son called this weekend and told us he's getting married.  He will be my first child to get married and I couldn't be much happier because of it.

PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS!!!!  If you have similar experiences then please write them here.  It may help someone else when you write your point of view.  ANY comment, question, or suggestion is appreciated!!!


  1. Congratulations Pagar! What a joy your son is getting married!

    I didn't know your grandfather died in war. I have learned little things here and there about you and your family that amaze me. This blog is good. It is nice people can get to know you better. Especially when it is hard for you to get out.

    Glad to hear you had a good 4th! Wishing you once again a pain free day! Linda

  2. YAY for JD! I'm so excited for him!


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